Thursday, March 4, 2010

Magazine - GQ

The Images I only used 3 different images.

2 of them was my recent picture from the Snowball formal dance.

and the other was the GQ logo, which can be found here:

GQ Logo (Online Image) Available, March 3rd, 2010

to summarize, I did many things on this image.

First, I carefully cropped Camden and myself from our formal pictures, and placed it in a blank transparent new image.

Then, to match GQ's style, I added a gray background and tried making our bodies blend in with the background seamlessly.

then I added the GQ logo and change the colours to match what we were wearing and the overall colour scheme of the magazine.

Finally, I then added some finishing touches, such as different article titles, and "hooks" in the GQ style. I went through many of these magazines in order to fully emulate what their style is.

For some text, I added some glows in order for some more clarity around the dark areas of the magazine. however, due to jpeg compression it seems like the text still looks a bit blurry still...

I chose GQ because I like their colour themes on their magazines. Also, I've seen quite a lot of celebrities that has been on the covers of GQ.


  1. Design - 4 Looks like a real magazine. Great colour scheme!
    Creativity - 3.5 I wanted 5 images but you did a lot of image processing on the few that you chose to use.
    Titles - 4 great use of colour and size with your titles. It really makes them pop-out.


    Great magazine design. It appears that the Rick-Rolling continues!
