Monday, May 17, 2010

What are computer games?

In my opinion, Computer games are interactive activities that one can do on a computer. This activity could potentially decrease productivity by -1000%.

Jokes aside, I believe computer games are a great way to step away from reality, allowing us to exercise the creative part in our brains.

I believe a good game is a game that has high replay value, good graphics, and easy control schemes and game mechanics. Furthermore, I believe that to have a high replay value, it must have multiplayer.

Games with multiplayer always gives the player a different experience playing with other people, whether it's local 4 player to online with thousands of people playing at once.

Also, in my opinion, a bad game is a game that is released too early in order to finish development. Usually this happens when people are trying to make money too fast, causing the game to be underdeveloped, or recycled ideas, namely Guitar Hero. Also, a bad game uses graphics as its main attracting point. I believe that the gameplay is the most important part, while the graphics and environment are just to supplement it.

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